The Happy Book

I'm Tania McCartney and I'm an Australian author, illustrator and editor of children's books. I've always wanted to live inside a book, and now I practically do.

I've been writing professionally for over 30 years, starting in magazines and entering the children's book industry in 2008. I have experience in publishing, self-publishing, editing, proofreading, marketing, promotion, speaking, teaching, layout, design, typesetting and devouring picture books-like, with my teeth. My illustration journey was rekindled (after a 25-year hiatus) in 2013, and I'm now both writing and illustrating children's books.

Pinch me. I must be dreaming.

The Happy Book is a podcast that's been on my mind for many years, and I knew it would happen when the time was right. Now is the time. Sharing and connecting with others in the kids' book industry is hugely important to me, and this podcast is another way I can do that.

The Happy Book is a place for children's book creators of all kinds. You may be a writer, an illustrator, a designer, an editor, a publisher or just a book aficionado-we're all in this together, and for people like us, there's nothing more delicious than talking shop. Am I right or am I right?

This podcast is specifically for those interested in the creative processes and production of kids' books, and would particularly suit emerging creators-or those who just need a refresher or inspiration. These weekly podcasts will cover a variety of topics, experiences, tips, tricks, insider info and advice on creation and publication-from baby board books through to middle grade. I may cover young adult at times, but the big focus will be on books for younger readers.

I often feature thoughts and input from other children's book creators and publishers-both established and emerging-and will conduct interviews, too. Each podcast will list its content, so you can pick and choose which suits you. - Tania McCartney


The First Time


Living Arts Canberra