Joshua Limbrick, Ella Rousseau

Captain Blue Beard

Shawline Publishing, 2023

A pirate’s life is full of exciting and dangerous adventures!

Captain Blue Beard and his band of treacherous misfits
know this all too well!
A whimsical tale of a journey on the high seas to discover a life of redemption,
harmony and to escape the gates of hell.

Age recommended 3 to 8 years old

About the Author

Joshua Limbrick is a self-taught Canberra based author with a passion for books, and writing has always been a joy for him since a young age… but it has always been for his eyes only! He wrote this book for his baby boy so he could share the joy with him.

About the Illustrator

Ella Rousseau is a Sydney-based artist with a passion for illustration and 2D animation. She graduated with an Honours degree in Design in Animation at UTS in 2021 and enjoys creating colourful, whimsical characters and worlds, especially for children’s books! Ella is passionate about bringing a sense of imagination and childhood wonder to her work, creating playful illustrations that she hopes will bring a smile to readers of all ages!


Bryan Lessard